BUGs splitting a SketchFittedSpline with breakCurve() function
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@Jorge_Jaramillo - this post is being edited to remove PII.
Hi All,
I believe two bugs are generated when a closed SketchFittedSpline is broken with breakCurve() function:
1. One of the splines is generated without fit points and accessing startSketchPoint and endSketchPoint attributes generates "error: 2 : InternalValidationError : pt" error.
2. The model report having 3 profiles, when the circle used to make the profiles 2 and 3 was deleted.
The number profiles is consistent with what is displayed, but only 1 should be displayed. See image below.
The circle I mentioned here is used to break the spline, so in the script it is created and then deleted.
Attached is the script I used. To reproduce the error just run it over a design with a empty sketch (could be a XY).
The attached F3D file contains the status of the design after running the script.
Below is the information displayed in the Text Command window once the script is run:
-------------------------------------------- app.version='2.0.16490' Python=3.9.6 (tags/v3.9.6:db3ff76, Jun 28 2021, 15:26:21) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]
Before splitting:
0 <adsk.fusion.SketchFittedSpline; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'adsk::core::Ptr< adsk::fusion::SketchFittedSpline > *' at 0x00000248E6603D80> > #5-True
0 ===================
After splitting:
sketch curve #0:
type = <class 'adsk.fusion.SketchFittedSpline'>
isClose = False
fitPoints.count = 5
startSketchPoint = (5.0, -1.0, 0.0)
endSketchPoint = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
sketch curve #1:
type = <class 'adsk.fusion.SketchFittedSpline'>
isClose = True
fitPoints.count = 0
startSketchPoint (error: 2 : InternalValidationError : pt)
endSketchPoint (error: 2 : InternalValidationError : pt)
For BUG #1:
I'm assuming every spline has start and end fit points.
After breaking the original spline, one of them generates errors when trying to access startSketchPoint and endSketchPoint attributes from the data model, has attribute isClose set to True when it isn't and doesn't have fitPoints defined:
sketch curve #1:
type = <class 'adsk.fusion.SketchFittedSpline'>
isClose = True
fitPoints.count = 0
startSketchPoint (error: 2 : InternalValidationError : pt)
endSketchPoint (error: 2 : InternalValidationError : pt)
Also check that its curve is displayed in black color, meaning it is completely constrained when it is not.
For BUG #2:
The number of profiles in sketch are extracted from skt.profiles.count:
app.log(f' {skt.profiles.count=}')
It displayed 3 as if the circle already exist in the model.
Now, selecting profile #3 I choose to extrude it from the UI, but once I hit OK in the extrude dialog a new body is creating out of the 2 splines, not with the profile originally profile selected:
After making this extrude the number of profiles became 1 and the sketch is displayed without the deleted circle (as it should be before the extrude feature was made).
I hope I could provide the full information and detailed step by step to reproduce the bugs, and that Fusion 360 team will further investigate these bugs.
Script source code:
import sys
import adsk, adsk.core, adsk.fusion, adsk.cam, traceback
app = adsk.core.Application.get()
des: adsk.fusion.Design = adsk.fusion.Design.cast(app.activeProduct)
root = des.rootComponent
ui = app.userInterface
def break_spline():
points = [(0,0,0), (5,-1,0), (6,4,0), (2,5,0), (-1,2,0)]
oc = adsk.core.ObjectCollection.create()
for coords in points:
# gets first sketch on root's current desing
skt = root.sketches[0]
# creates spline with the points provided
sfs = skt.sketchCurves.sketchFittedSplines.add(oc)
sfs.isClosed = True
# print lines on the sketch
app.log('Before splitting:')
for i in range(skt.sketchCurves.count):
app.log(f' {i} {skt.sketchCurves[i]} #{skt.sketchCurves[i].fitPoints.count}-{skt.sketchCurves[i].isClosed}')
app.log(f' {skt.profiles.count=}')
# make n-1 curve breaks
for i in range(1):
app.log(f'{i} ===================')
# make a circle intersecting the curve in points i-th and (i+1)-th
sk_c = skt.sketchCurves.sketchCircles.addByTwoPoints(oc[i], oc[i+1])
# get a point before and near the (i+1)-th point
# it has to be different that the intersecting point, so that is why it is multiplied by 90%
(_, par) = sfs.geometry.evaluator.getParameterAtPoint(oc[i+1])
par *= 0.9
(_, po_break) = sfs.geometry.evaluator.getPointAtParameter(par)
# then break the curve using that point
ocr = sfs.breakCurve(po_break)
# delete the circle
# look for the original spline in the sketchFittedSplines collection
# I could NOT use the endSketchPoint attribute because it generates an exception
# (it is possible a BUG!! since every spline has to contain an endSketchPoint)
for sfs_i in range(skt.sketchCurves.sketchFittedSplines.count):
if skt.sketchCurves.sketchFittedSplines[sfs_i].fitPoints.count:
fitPoints = skt.sketchCurves.sketchFittedSplines[sfs_i].fitPoints.count
if skt.sketchCurves.sketchFittedSplines[sfs_i].fitPoints[fitPoints-1].geometry.isEqualTo(oc[0]):
sfs = skt.sketchCurves.sketchFittedSplines[sfs_i]
# print lines on the sketch
app.log('After splitting:')
for i in range(skt.sketchCurves.count):
app.log(f' sketch curve #{i}:')
app.log(f' type = {type(skt.sketchCurves[i])}')
app.log(f' isClose = {skt.sketchCurves[i].isClosed}')
app.log(f' fitPoints.count = {skt.sketchCurves[i].fitPoints.count}')
app.log(f' startSketchPoint = {skt.sketchCurves[i].startSketchPoint.geometry.asArray()}')
except Exception as exc:
app.log(f' startSketchPoint (error: {exc})')
app.log(f' endSketchPoint = {skt.sketchCurves[i].endSketchPoint.geometry.asArray()}')
except Exception as exc:
app.log(f' endSketchPoint (error: {exc})')
app.log(f' {skt.profiles.count=}')
def run(context):
app.log(f'-------------------------------------------- {app.version=} Python={sys.version}')
Jorge Jaramillo