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Attribute error when trying to select faces vertices


Attribute error when trying to select faces vertices

Not applicable


My current Python script prompts a user to select a face, saves these faces into a variable. Later on, I would like to get coordinates of the vertices of this face and it seems like `vertices` is a property of BRepFace []. However, when I run the code I keep getting attribute error.


Wondering what is an issue here? Find a script below. 

(side note: before that I had a body being selected by a script and then I could get vertices coordinates using this code `rootComp.bRepBodies.item(body_idx).faces.item(face_idx).vertices.item(vertix_idx).geometry.x`. Why is it an issue now when user selects a face himself?) 



def run(context):
    ui = None
        # set up: 
        app = adsk.core.Application.get()
        ui  = app.userInterface
        design = app.activeProduct

        # ensuring that there is model built & active:
        if not design:
            ui.messageBox('No active Fusion design', 'No Design')
        # Get the root component of the active design:
        rootComp = design.rootComponent
        holes = rootComp.features.holeFeatures

        unsafe_faces = [] # [face_ref, which_side, length_x, width_y, height_z] storage for reference to objects

        ### -- Prompting a user to select faces that need to be modified
        user_answer = ui.inputBox("Do you want to specify faces where holes will be placed? Type 'yes', if so \
            \n Otherwise, if you want the program to determine faces for you, type 'no'. \
            \n Please select 'yes' for now [work in progress for 'no']")

        # TODO: 
        # if str(user_answer[0]).strip().lower() == 'no': 
            # TODO: choose the faces for user

        selected_face = ui.selectEntity("Please, choose faces which need better heat dissipation.\
             \n If needed, choose all the faces under the upper case.", 'PlanarFaces')
        ui.messageBox(str(selected_face.vertices.count) # ATTRIBUTE ERROR 


Accepted solutions (1)
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Not applicable
Accepted solution

Solved the issue by adding one simple word: entity

Last two lines of code:

ui.messageBox(str(selected_face.entity.vertices.count) # ATTRIBUTE ERROR 
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