Vice created and very happy!
Have a question or two about strategy.
Working on components/parts from a multi-part file.
Created a second file labelled "vice".
Then created a third file into which important the "vice" component as well as Component_A from the multipart file.
Called that file "Milling Component_A".
Having created the toolpaths for Setup1 which is the top side of Component A, now want to flip it in the vice and create the toolpaths for the BOTTOM side of Component A.
Yikes! now it risks getting even messier.
Any recommendations as to a good strategy?
Do I create separate files for the "Milling Topside Component A" and "Milling Bottomside Component A" ?
Do I create 2 instances of Component A and 2 vices in a single file, in different orientations?
Any other suggestions?
I'd like to have a nice clean strategy so if the component itself is updated - or I break an endmill and have to reprogram a certain toolpath-type - I can keep track of what's going on.