And it happen again 😞 In the photo bellow check the fine stepdown in the right side - light brown color, it first milled right side than it moved to the left side where it milled right trough material 😞

I'm so pissed of I haven't checked the complete simulation at slow speed, I have only checked if it follows the correct order of the steps, and it did in the first section, and than I fast forwarded the simulation to the end, but didn't noticed it does some weird things when it moved to the other section.
I don't know how Fusion developers team are treating those bugs, but in my opinion the CAM bugs must have the highest priority, and should be fixed first, before anything else, having errors like this in generated code can lead to serious loss, the end mills are so small but unfortunately the price is quite high at ~40 - 50 Euro each, I started to look over cheaper endmills, at least those very small that will brake at the smallest mistake.
@cj.abraham I'm not convinced that the main issue is related the Order by islands bug, I haven't checked that option this time, instead I had checked ORDER BY STEP, and I say again, my contour operations uses stepdown, very fine stepdown of 0.08mm. I don't know if stepover is the same thing as stepdown, but by looking in the POPUP help image when placing the mouse cursor over the ORDER BY STEP option, it shows exactly what I need - starts from top to bottom, than move to the next contour and starts from top to bottom.

I don't really know if there are other places, other than this forum to notify the team that there are serious bugs, also I don't know how serious this seem for you, but for me it really seems an huge issue.
Also there was no collision detection red mark in the simulation, and I have checked it before starting the milling process.
Is there also a bug in the simulation module, or why that section was not picked up ? The operation was set to make small 0.08mm steptdowns, but the endmill hit the material at a depth of 1.2mm (slot cut with an 1.58mm diameter end mill in tool steel 1.2379).
PS. The model has many lines in the tappered wall because I have converted the initial spline to a polyline, using CamBam, as Fusion did again some weird things with the original spline 😞 I know the error is very small in this case, but on this model I had another extra issue, and I chose to convert the spline to by fix all those errors.