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Windows7 is dying.

Windows7 is dying.

Dear Fusion360-Team,

Windows7 has the second largest market share among the Windows Versions. Win10 sucks for a lot of people but Microsoft, in its wisdom, keeps forcing people relentlessly to switch to their "service OS", away from their "product", which was Win7. People who resisted the steady trolling from Microsoft and didnt already switch to Win10 probably wont and will look for alternatives after its end of life in 2020.


There is this boneheaded argument, that it is not worth supporting Linux due to lack of market share, but the lack of software support self-sustains this argument. Linux has become an alternative to Windows. The only one if you do not want to buy in to the Apple ecosystem with their extreme hardware prices.


Is Autodesk rethinking their stand against Linux when Win7 is dead? It is a noteworthy argument (in my opinion) that a significant part of the current Win7-Marketshare would at least like to change to Linux in 2020 since Win10 is not a productive operating system for a lot of people.


There is this argument that supporting Linux will not give a good experience because Linux has a higher probability to run on lower spec hardware. Guess what, the experience of running Windows in a VM to use Fusion360 is.... not that much better.

Can someone please break the cyclic arguments and just decide for the obvious right thing here? Dont let yourself stop because of details (the "distribution-question") and rely on the linux-community to solve issues along with you.

Microsoft has shown over and over again that they cannot be relied up on to make good decisions for their users (just look at the decreasing usability of the skype-UI). If you extrapolate the trend and factor in, that the OS one must use is part of the quality experience of using Fusion360, is it really wise to be against Linux in the long run?

1 Comment

The biggest problem is market shear as it stands they will not change there mind if more people use Linux than Apple it may change until then it will not happen, as it stands they have two OS that needs to be updated at the same time and CAM add a 3rd the prices will go up a lot and development will grind to a holt. 


Also, the attitude of a lot of Linux user's will need to be adjusted by a lot this is one of the big downsides of Linux the trolls that use it.

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