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Much as I love it, browser clutter is one of my biggest complaints about Fusion. Right up there with not being able to hit "C" for the combine tool, or "E" for extrude, etc.
In direct modeling, actions create browser elements that cannot be collapsed. If you have any degree of complexity this rapidly makes the browser unmanageable, even if you work inside activated components. The part below fills 3X what I show with just these elements, and there is no way to reduce the space they take up. Some of these, like threads and fillets, can be editable and useful, others don’t seem to serve any real purpose. I end up deleting many of these to keep my sanity, but sometimes that causes problems. Just being able to collapse them as we can do with other browser elements (bodies, construction, sketches) would be a big help.
I think what is being discussed here goes beyond what can be helped by creating components and sub components. Those should have a logical relationship to the assembly apart from just organizing the browser. The example I pictured above is a component with sub components, but in direct modeling the list of features- which cannot be collapsed- extends three times the screen height of my 27” monitor, for a component with only a single body. When you have even moderately complex parts it gets unworkable. It would help if these features had a collapsable folder structure as do other elements.
Working inside activated components so sketches, construction features, etc. are located inside the relevant components is a help as far as it goes, but there are still opportunities to clean up the browser, particularly in direct modeling.
Better way of grouping item or files in the browser.
If I important a screw or bolt I end up with 200 files in the list.
This is a real pain when search manually through the browser. Plus the dots that appear under the selected files in the browser are no bright enough to easily see, this is because the background colour changes and they blend in too much.
Thanks, I found a similar request and voted on it.
I agree that naming objects is usfeul, but I only name the objects when it's useful to do so, for example an object I need to find later, or a component that I often toggle the visibily off and on for. Most items I don't need to ever refer back to so no reason to name them. You can see in the screen shot there are some named items.
This was posted in November last year, came "under review" in March this year and already has close to 70 votes which shouldn't be true for so many idea station posts.
If this post is archived I will resurrect it this weekend. Autodesk promised folders early this year, we are getting close to april and still dont have them. What's the status on it ?
@brianrepp 179 votes I would say people agree that the browser needs to have an ability to allow users to custom sort the content - at least the bodies 😉