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Visibility of joints in imported components

Visibility of joints in imported components

I've been putting together some rather complex assemblies (hundreds of parts) where subassemblies are held together with joints and are subsequently imported into a larger assembly. If I forget and don't turn off the joint indicators, I will be unable to do anything to declutter the model other than to go back to the subcomponent file, update it to turn off the joint indicators, and then update the next higher assemblies until I reach the top level.


Without breaking the links or disturbing the underlying models, could it be made possible to change the visibility of joint indicators, sketches and construction geometry for subassemblies and subcomponents at a higher assembly level? Changing visibility of individual subcomponents might be useful, but I can see that might cause trouble as well.


(I know you're supposed to do everything within a single model, but if you're creating libraries of parts, this doesn't make sense)



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