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User Coordinate System in Model Mode

User Coordinate System in Model Mode

Add to construction geometry User Coordinate System (UCS) (as Solidworks is doing forever). If one needs to calculate centrifugal forces relatively to custom axis UCS would be very handy.   

1 Comment

I would like reference CS for some additional reasons.  I really like the implementation in I-DEAS


I would like the ability to....

  1. define the translation and rotation relative to the owning component CS.  
  2. CS should have the same features as the origin (a point, 3 axis, 3 planes)
  3. Have multiple reference CS

This allows place a CS at a mounting location of a corresponding part (i.e. hose to a connector)  and because all information is contained in the single component it is decoupled and can be reused easily in other designs.  Multiple CS allow for routing of hoses and wiring looms too.


You can also build in "body position" without needing to reference other components.

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