I think it's sensational that Fusion releases a new update every 2 weeks; fantastic; what a great concept from a software company, vs like Adobe every few months.
Now to my pet peeve, when Fusion software updates, it NEEDS TO automatically link the updated version of Fusion with my stored application alias in my dock bar.
After EVERY update, that alias link is broken, which is annoying because now I need to go searching for the updated location; which is not in Applications, but in some abstract folder off somewhere, to find the updated version of Fusion so I can drag it back down to my short cut dock - and wait another 2 weeks to rinse and repeat.
Often there are is even a secondary version present in the folder, so I need to then figure out which is the most recent update. It would be nice if the Fusion updates removed the old version as well as link the new version to the alias.
Just my 2 cents, thanks,