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Unreal Studio Datasmith Support

Unreal Studio Datasmith Support

Would be nice when i can directly export my Fusion360 Work into Unreal Studio with Datasmith Support.


Planed Support from Epic Side so far:


no f3d support in the list right now


Any planed collaboration with Epic from Autodesk right now?

Community Visitor

@RobWJ ,

Are you able to utilize a workaround to get files out of Fusion360 into Unreal Studio? I'm assuming you can export files from Fusion360 as .Step files and then import the .Step file into Unreal Studio.


I tried the export to IGES and STEP from Fusion and than i can import into Unreal with the default Datasmith plugin. This gives me the right orientation and scale of the Fusion Objects. But you must make the Materials in Unreal all new. But that is probably a problem with all the Engines and 3D Programs out there.

And there is no Collision Meshes generated.


Another hacky way with FBX and rotate and rescale the meshes in unreal on the import. With this Method, Unreal generates basic Collision Meshes.


So the real benefit from the Datasmith plugins for 3dsmax, Revit, ... should be the full Materials integration or not?


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