Right now, it can be a little confusing jumping into a design file that has multiple CAM setup folders, and know exactly which folder you have selected (for lets say posting, or editing), and which one is actually active (for new operations to fall under).
Here is what it looks like currently.

The two colors are fairly similar. One of them is active, and one of them is selected. My guys in the shop are constantly getting them confused. One of the main issues is when they go to post, sometimes no folder is selected, but the one is still active. So they see the blue highlight, and think they're about to post that setup only. But then they get the warning that they're about to post everything. I always get the question of "Which blue is the blue I am about to post again?"
My suggestion is maybe either change the color of the "active" setup (which to me will then lead to questions of which color is active, and which color is select so I can post), or eliminating the highlight color from the "active" folder, and just keeping that radio button visible that is used to activate a setup. That way they can see only one folder actually highlighted, and know that for sure is the one they're about to post.
Not the largest issue in the world. But it is definitely something I have to hear complaints about almost weekly.