Concluded text on: 17:30PM.UTC+1 CET / 13DEC2017. - Montebelluna - Italy.
Hi All, I'm Camelo Manuel an Italian Inventor of 21 years old and i'm also a 3d Designer. There are many 3d softwares out there but in my Opinion Fusion 360 truly has a huge potential. But it gets wrecked by the lack of such simplistic small details, like a smooth proccessing/computational even "kernel" iteration in order to not have always frustrating lag or ridiculous freezings for basically every action (Problem particular on AMD cards), and Fusion 360 gets torn apart even because there's this type of misconception about it. People or even the staff from Autodesk watches at F360 like it is a software just to design simple things, like a chair or a lamp. But that couldn't be further from the Truth. Fusion 360 in my Opinion is a 3d Parametric Program that could be used truly to create basically everything you want. A House, a Building, or a Car, a Spaceship.. it is a Multipurpose 3d/2d Cad Software in my eyes based on all of these months/years of experience I have handling it.
But it truly lacks of some basic features, like for example "gravity" to see how things might really work, like the workflow of a chain. Other lack of feautures are the impossibility of changing sketches (lines) colors and thickness like it's possible to do in Inventor, or even the fact that F360 lacks of the possibility to include the 2d/3d sketches on a folder like it's possible to do with the 3d objects in order to organize the whole work in the best way possible.
But i'm not here to speak about all the feautures F360 is still in need, but i want to request a Feature that is actually a MUST HAVE for Fusion 360 and any other type of Respectful 3d CAD Parametric Software.
I'm clearly talking about the so called "Truss" - "Pattern" or even "Adaptive Family" but it doesn't truly matter how you call it. The point is that Fusion 360 is even capable of letting the user create complex structures even like Architectural ones.. And i truly mean it, like being able to create very detailed Infrastructures. But at some point it becomes more than clear that you cannot keep up or generate Realistically complex Architectural/Mechanical shapes because there's no Patterns to add into a "Organic" Face.
It's hard to explain just via words, but Whoever tried to use Autodesk Revit knows that it's simply terrible as a program to create anything about Architecture. Because the facts are mainly two. Or someone MUST be a NERD about Revit and know everything of everything to being able of creating anything Professional out of it. Or it simply doesn't work in the most User-Friendly way as possible.
I truly don't like Revit because it's too complicated, it's not realistic on the way it let you create things, it's very restricted because you can't create too much complexity on it. And i'm not the only one who's not that in the mood with Revit, many others accuse the same issues towards this Software. (And the way to 2d sketch on Revit truly sucks.. horrible).
So the Solution to all of our Problems i do propose to the Autodesk Team. Is that Fusion 360 has even the Potential to completely Smash any Competition like cough cough.. solidworks. But you have to do what its name says.. "FUSION" So please STOP.. STOP creating a whole ton of softwares for random reasons and FOCUS On Main Solid Programs like 3ds Max, Fusion 360, Autocad. Stop working on multiple softwares for no actual Reason. INCLUDE MANY Options and Possibilities only in Major Softwares like Fusion 360.
We are in Absolute and URGENT need (possibly within the next month) of being able to create TRUSS/PATTERNS like for example the:
Metric Generic Model Pattern Based --- > video:
Please please give us this Amazing tool Autodesk, do not ignore the Great Potential Fusion 360 has, and begin to actually "FUSE" everything to it.
*It's a photo ▼
Look at dis... Wtf is this Autodesk?? I mean do you really believe this is a REALISTIC way of creating things? Real Life doesn't work like that. These shown in the photo (based on a video) are just tubes. And they are quite terrible in terms of being realistic.
Another problem, like you see down here ▼ is that if you DO NOT FIX first the lag and freezing of Fusion 360, letting the program being able of creating PATTERNS / TRUSS will be a complete nightmare. F360 needs it's kernel to get fixed first and the program must be able to run and use the whole power of x64 bit Architecture. Because i have quite the impression that F360 runs on x32 bit with the limit of 4GB of RAM only.
(It freezes even for several minutes for the most ridiculous things and functions, like CHAMFER for example.. are you serious?)
Maybe.. MAYBE I Could be wrong, but I Believe WE ALL IN HERE.. AGREE UPPON THE FACT ! That the Videgame Industry for example, is getting each year more and more PHOTOREALISTIC. And one of the tricks to achieve Photorealism is actually based on CREATE Realism in the first place in an Infrastructural LEVEL.
If you create a 3d Triangle and Pretend it to be the Roof of a House.. Come on, you could run this 3d object on the most Advanced Game Engine on Earth but it will still look Unrealistic. Because we all know a Roof is way more complex than that.
So, please Truly Upgrade Fusion 360.
In F360 we have way more Freedom on adding important details on a Structure so you just have to bring it to the Real World without too many sacrifices. But in Revit it's a whole different story, what you create there is basically completely unrealistic. So REVIT creates what we can define as a "REFERENCE" instead of actual instructions of HOW something truly works and IS and WILL BE MADE and placed in our Real Life World.
Someone might watch at this Design / Family Part / Render, and say.. Come on Manuel you KNOW that this "LOD" Level of Details is way too much POWER HUNGRY from the Resources of a Computer, to be used as a Truss/Pattern Component.
And I Agree. It's true in part.. But, this type of "excuse" won't last forever. We all know and Agree that Computers are getting each single year more and more and more Powerful. Possibly within the next 10 years we'll have even Quantum Computer processing Absurdly Realistic Videogames or "Simulators" of Architectural or Mechanical Type. So why wait for "tomorrow" when we could all begin today? Right? I am Right?
Imagine watching dozens of these on an Organic/Futuristic based type of Design for a Roof. It's a whole different story, here you have Chamfers, a Complex Geometry, you have Fillets, it's way way more Advanced than anything you could actually make in Revit. There are no excuses for this.
So now i took entire hours to write all of this Report (and create the 3d model you see) to you Autodesk Team and Users. Please now it's your turn to make Fusion really worth the attention of the World. Because it's an Amazing Software and you know it. It just need some fixes here and there.
Thanks Autodesk you're like a Family to me :') :,)
( ͠° ) ͜ʖ ( ͠° )
(☞ ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)☞
C.Manuel. - Thanks for the Patience of All for Reading all of this and Goodbye ! :')
CEO at Nörthstat Group™ Inc. | NÖRGRU™
Metalmechanical & Unconventional Conceptual Designing Corporation. - Montebelluna, 31044 - Italy.
@ManuelCamelo96 / @NorthstatGroup on Twitter.
*Useful Videos /Video Tutorials in order to take example from: <-- Cool one. ---> Imagine Creating this on Fusion 360... SICK :'))) :,))))))) --> Easy Tutorial. / Nice. -----> THIS ONE.. Actually Mixes the use of Fusion 360 with Revit O___o
*Check the .PDF I Attached to this Post / Idea Submission.
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