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transform cam tool paths

transform cam tool paths

It would be nice to be able to transform Cam operations in the same way you can if you where patterning in the model side and move a copy with three axis's of freedom  . along with the options of being able to rotate around an axis for rotary table indexing . 


thank you 


We will be adding additional support for patterns and related operations in future builds of Fusion 360. I don't have an ETA but will post when I have some more updated information.


In the meantime, if you have a way to visually demonstrate what you are looking for in another package you could share that and we could better respond your initial comment. If you haven't tried it, Screencast is a great too. You can access the free download of Screencast here.


Anthony Graves

Product Manager, CAM

Autodesk Inc

Not applicable
The best I can do for you is give you a link to YouTube with someone using the function on mastercam . Thank you
Not applicable

this is from one contour 


Status changed to: Future Consideration

Of cause using a rotational instead of a linear axis has implications for tool path distance (e.g "parallel" strategy" as you move closer to the center of rotation.

Many CAM don't get this right and a distance of tool_size/3 on the surface of an object is way smaller when meassured in degrees then close to the center.

Not applicable
I have used mastercam and have not had any problems . That is what I asked about it . Ask yo what other cam programs have done I wouldn't know . All you need is the same path that just ran with an index to the degree you want . There should not be any error that you speak of .

What do you mean with "index to a degree"?


I'm saying that a 3axis or deep 2.5/2axis toolpath that runs on XYZ or on XAZ at a radius of R will not be correct or reasonable when run on XAZ at a radius of R/5.

Where at R you make passes that are d=1/3 tool_diameter apart, they will only have a distance of d/25 at R/5 and basically mill over the same area again and again until the blank is burning(wood), melting (wax) or glowing hot.



d2=Pi*(R/5)^2 =Pi*(R^2)/(5^2) =d/25


So you don't modify an existing toolpath, you calculate the original cutting operation for the axis X+A+Z to e.g. wrap it around a cylinder on a 4 axis machine.

  • This implies the need for knowledge about the location of the axis A in XYZ coordinates
  • and that here 0°=360° and -X°=360-X°.

Thus done right, certain operations (e.g. parallel toolpathes without meander) become a constant rotation in one direction to not leave a visible seam at A=0 because the tool is always switching direction in exactly that spot.


Note that the same problem exists with feed rate. This however is not the job of the CAM.

So a hobbyist using MACH3 must be careful as it does't support recalculating how many steps a certain "f" value in G-Code means depending on your distance to the center of rotation. Feedrate being in carthesian XYZ space but movement in  XYZABC. So "G1 Y20 A300 f200" can mean any number of steps/s to reach 200mm/s depending where you are at the start AND the end AND during the operation.

Not applicable

Good morning , for what your talking about cnc wrapper works fine.

I am talking about something more simple . It just moves to a set angel and reruns the 3axis code 


I do this all the time in Mastercam. I have the ability to transform a toolpath with Translate, rotate, mirror and copy. Super useful for molds or opposite parts etc.And the abiltiy to output using a different Fixture offset(s).


Translate, rotate, mirror and copy in a carthesian coordinate system are affine transformations and cause no such trouble at all.

But mapping them onto a cylinder is not.

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