I have an idea i would like to share regarding the tool database. Adding a few more inputs when creating the tools.
When machining, my feeds and speeds are never a one size fits all, and having to flip though catalogs and my notes to find my ideal feeds and speeds per tool, per material, per tool path strategy is very time consuming and is a opportunity for mistakes.
My work around for this now is duplicating my tools and libraries. I have a library for each "family" of material, and the same tool copied 4 times in each library. I have a tool noted for each strategy, Slot, Rough, Finish, and HEM. This works well enough that i just pick the tool for my strategy and my feeds and speeds are automatically populated in the tool path parameters. But I still have to look up recommended material engagements to optimize my machine/tool efficiency.
This is where my idea comes into play. In the tool database, if there were entry points for ideal cutting conditions ( Depth of cut, Radial engagement ) for each tool. then the tool path could populate with proper step down and step over for the calculated feeds and speeds, saving time and money.
Further more, if it would be possible to add tabs to the tool properties for the different strategies. This would eliminate the 4 copies of each tool.