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Timeline as text

Timeline as text

Finding items in the Timeline can sometimes be difficult, particularly when several components have similar creation paths.  An option to present the Timeline as text would be helpful.


I can appreciate your frustration. I am training myself to rename, and sometimes group and rename, items in my Timeline. It has made it significantly easier to find what I am looking for; although, it does add time up front to the creation process and that is  a bit of an issue. Perhaps, if a naming option were offered when the sketch, pattern or other action were executed that might make the process easier?


I always name an elements as I create them.  Even so object labels are only visible in the Timeline when hovering over an icon.  Scanning a text list visually to locate an object, or event, can be more effective than hovering over, sometimes ambiguous, icons.

You are correct that defaulting to _Label Selected_ would make the object creation process much less tedious.  


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