I've got a CNC kit router that uses a Dewalt 611 trim router as the spindle, and I noticed that it struggled substantially more with full plough-cuts when first starting pockets than when doing subsequent step-overs, and it got me thinking:
What if toolpaths could intelligently determine relative feedrate reductions depending on tool engagement and plunge depth? It would be fantastic if the HSM kernel could dynamically adjust feedrate to slow down for deeper cuts, following the 25% reduction for 2x diameter/depth relationships, 50% reduction for 3x depth, and also know that it can go faster when in a "chip-thinning" situation compared to a full-plough, so it knows to slow down for the first part of the pocket and speed up after that.
I know it could be quite computationally complicated to figure those things out, but I thought it was at least worth the thought, as it could do wonders for tool and equipment life to ensure the loading is more even throughout operation. I imagine this would be helpful for more rigid and capable equipment than mine as well.