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Small but effective improvement to the Data Panel

Small but effective improvement to the Data Panel

In Data Panel, when clicking on "Load More", the "Load More" button disappears. When it disappears the data panel view shrinks in size slightly before the newly loaded design thumbnails appear. Because of this, newly loaded design thumbnails appear right below the bounds of the Data Panel. This means you don't see them unless you then scroll*.


This behavior is slightly annoying. It's made worse since you're not 100% certain anything is actually happening. On slower connections, nothing truly does happen for a little while.


Both of these issues could be solved in a very simple way.


Instead of making the "Load More" button disappear, replace it with a loading indicator. That could be as simple as truly replacing the button, or simply disabling the button, adjusting its text to "Loading", and renabling the button once loading is complete. The pattern I describe is a very common one found through most modern, data heavy, websites and seems to have become a sort of defacto standard.


* There is one exception - if the data panel is showing an odd number of thumbnails, there will be an empty spot in the lower right corner. Once new designs have been loaded, it'll suddenly fill the empty spot, but the additional thumbnails load offscreen and still need to be scrolled to.

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