More on Skills & Rankings: If A360 can become a one stop shop for Engineers, Project Managers, Industrial Designers and Controllers then we might take a look at how users can be ranked for their level of expertice. Again, I go back to the yellow,orange, red, brown, black belt system. Fusion360 has a number of tools that need ranked. Lets' break them down into key areas expertice.
- Modeling
- Surfacing/Sculpting
- Assemblies
- Drawings
- Simulations
- Animations
- A360
Here us how we might consider ranking a user.
Note: A360 and Fusion360 would need to be counting together as these events happen. Learnables would also need some integration.
- Count the number of hours in each module. Have a counter for members and managers to see how many hours the user has invested in using each software tool. Again award the karati belt system. 10 hrs. a yellow 20 hrs. a orange 40 hrs. a red 80 hrs. a brown 100 hrs a black
- Kudo's are counted for each area of expertice. Again, the the kudo's are included in the community ranking. Great communicator, good idea of the day, finding bugs, awesome design. 2 Kudo's a yellow belt - 50 Kudos' a black belt.
- Learnables: The end user could be ranked for watching a learnable on a particular tool. Maybe take a short test/form to get a ranking at the end of the learnable.
- Tutorials_Lessons: The user follows a tutorial and submits the final design to a pieer review board. They break it down and validate that the developer completed this lesson. How long it took them is included? They can always do it again faster if they get a bad score. This might cost the user or their company some money since an expert has to sift thru the design to see what was developed. You might pay to get this ranking if you are trying to get more black belts than anyone.
- Attend a Webinar: If Autodesk conducted weekly webinars for each module and the Fusion or A360 user attends, again, the user gets a mark for attending the webinar.
- Kids Kudo's: Age and experience are coupled together. The younger you are, means a lot. We want the young makers of the world learning. As youth start moving thru the leaning process, their rankings go up with Kids Kudos' including. We make kid hungry to learn. Might tie this all into Kahn Academy
- Samari Kudo's: If a user completes a review board asking to be elevated to Samari above all the rest of the rankings and the review board sees that the user is an outstanding member of the community in both friendliness, outward social awareness, is a link to building the a360/Fusion community, along with a long list of other requriements, they get more Kudo's
Identify The Champoin: If everyone on A360 could start seeing these metrics, the super users will rise to the surface. We could identify when the user was moving, zooming , changing things, a counter keeps track of that varaible and posts it on A360 so everyone can see how much time they have committed to the system, other managers looking into the project can quickly identify the Champoin.