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Simplify Fusion 360 to 123D Design

Simplify Fusion 360 to 123D Design

I teach students in 6th grade and this program, as flexible as it may appear, takes too many steps to get an STL created. May I propose that this program have an improved set of menus which simplify the exporting of a set of objects. Even grouping is difficult. The program is not user friendly and frankly that turns the students off. 


From a marketing perspective I would think that getting students engaged very early would improve the chances of them using AutoCAD in the future. 123D provided feedback to the student since they were able to accomplish a simple design and easily step through printing an object. Fusion 360 is not easily navigated and in this world of instant gratification I'm looking for something that students can virtually learn simply by playing with it.


The level of complexity virtually matches AutoCAD itself, so why duplicate. Enable young kids to be successful and advance through the program at their pace. Even the HELP function is built like a blog. What happened to hovering a cursor over a field and having an educational step by step application/usage appear. I suspect that the peripheral programming for ease of use may be larger than the actual functional program but if that's what it takes please make significant changes or resurrect 123D Design.


Frankly, I would like a reply from an AutoCAD manager of marketing as continued use of this program is contingent upon major simplification.

1 Comment

raguette, in order to see the "help" when you hover a cursor over a feature on the toolbar or elsewhere you need to have "tooltips" turned on.  it should be on by default on install but if you go to the preferences drop down under your name in the top right corner you can turn it on in the General section. Tooltips.png


As far as simplification.  I don't work for autodesk but the 123d products(which i think are gone) were aimed at tinkerers and intro to CAD for younger kids.  Fusion 360 is aimed at a more professional crowd.  I understand where you are coming from but i think Fusion, once you understand the basics, is very user friendly.  I teach CAD with many applications including Fusion 360.  You might have better luck with Tinkercad for the target audience.


Also an autodesk product specifically made for the make and 3d print crowd.


Hope that helps

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