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Signal/External utility to halt any operation that's hung Fusion 360

Signal/External utility to halt any operation that's hung Fusion 360

It's simular to the request to have hit escape to kill ALL operations but via a signal.


Example case MBP 2017 i7 16GB ram w/ Radion RX570 eGPU

Use the helical gear generator addon in the store


Generate a gear with the following parameters

  • Gear system = Normal
  • Handedness = Right
  • Helix Angle = 40 deg
  • Pressure Angle = 20 deg
  • Module = 2.5mm
  • Teeth = 32
  • Backlash = 0.3mm
  • Gear thickness = 5mm

Then mirror the gear. once it settles down then attempt to combine the two into a single component (don't create a new component)


Then Fusion 360 locks up and is unresponsive to inputs but does do some redrawing (bluring and focusing causes the toolbox to come and go as well as the design navigator thingo


I don't know if ESC **would** stop it if it could even register the keystroke (being an unresponsive application I doubt it)


As for the method, it'd need to be some kind of signal, pipeline, local socket, named thread (for linux and mac) or IPC (windows) potentially via a separate utility so users don't need to be massively techsavy to kill the process/computation that's locking up Fusion 360


Ideally the lock up would be fixed, buuuuut us users will always find new and wonderful ways to make the devs scratch their heads so this workaround would atleast allow us to keep working

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