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Sheetmetal unfold in animation workspace

Sheetmetal unfold in animation workspace

I was watching Phil Eichmiller's gif in this tweet this morning:



...and to be honest, I was waiting for something to happen when it cut off. I had this crazy idea that as it exploded in the animation, the sheetmetal parts were going to unfold to flat patterns at the same time, and was really disappointed when they didn't.


Not sure if there's a real, valuable use case for it, but wouldn't it be cool! A great way to visually see all the sheetmetal components in the assembly as they unfold and move away from each other.


Go on, do it, just for fun!







As far as I can tell, unfolding is coming later.. possibly much later.


Hopefully that's not true because it'd make sheetmetal relatively useless imo


Wow. That would be extremely disappointing.

I agree with you, useless if you can't unfold.

Hopefully I'm wrong there

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