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I have to say convert solid to SM is pretty good because how fast you can block out the SM body while designing it and then later do the convert to SM.
With the great new sheet metal functionality this would be fantastic. I have many solids models from existing designs that really represent sheet metal. Being able to convert them to generate flat patterns would be useful to the extreme. The following example is a plenum (cooling cowl) for an aircraft engine:
Is this already possible? I was looking for this function since I was convinced (maybe from sneak peaks of SM posted in the past to the blog) that I could convert my solid models into SM within Fusion 360, but I cannot fire how since the feature went public 😞
Having worked with Autodesk products for years Ive learned one thing:
Dont expect Autodesk to listen to the users. New features in Autodesk products are always driven by what the developers find interesting to develop - not what the users need.
Lots of low priced products on the market with this core feature already - dont wait for Autodesk - you can wait forever.