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Sharing Parmeters Across References

Sharing Parmeters Across References

 Parametric modeling is not a cool trick to have at hand, it's a way of life !


Having a way to share parameters across referenced models would allow much more flexibility in complex designs hierarchies ... maybe through an imported "sketch/data only" file .. or better by including ALL (local AND imported) components in the model parameters tree.

It looks it has been discussed as "imminent" in 2015 but still ... waiting for this in 2018


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Well, I'm aware of the "Parameter I/O" plugin, but ... that's not what I call shared parameters.


I would better describe this as a tedious and dangerous way to propagate dead data, and a recipe for screwing your project, big time, if you believe you're using live data when it's not : lack of data ownership, version control, active propagation etc, all that Fusions 360 has embedded at it's core ... because humans are notably bad at.


For short, if one could use this plugin to import a csv at the beginning of a project, or exporting it for archival or further processing at the end, it's a very poor excuse for not implementing parameter sharing :°)


The nearest thing I could think as an example of what I mean by live parameters sharing is in the Parameter Window :  currently each "local" component exposes a list of named values that can be accessed as parameters by siblings components (although the autocomplete won't suggest them !?) and can be given a name ...


Except for the terrible UX of the Parameters Window everything works fine !! The parameters even have the good taste to be internally referenced by an undisclosed ID, the name string being for exclusive human readability use which allows for harmless renaming etc ... So far so good !


But the imported components won't appear in the name/values tree, and now, that's a pity.


The simplest way I can think of would be to allow the name/value tree to descend in imported components as well as in local ones. From a (obviously external) developer point of view, it would take more work to exclude components in the graph than using the source file ID to extend the parameter ID and allowing all components in the tree .. so I'm kind of perplex.


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