This actually touches on a few things and will be less interesting once things like automated design rules and exporting individual bodies or components as any format are implemented /but/ it'd still be great for you to partner with companies like Shapeways and Protolabs to build simple integrated prototype ordering into Fusion 360.
The flow would be something like
1) create design
2) select specific body or component to build
3) select manufacturer and process (Protolabs plastic CNC milling; Shapeways nylon SLS, etc)
4) design is validated against current design rules for the manufacturer and process and user is presented with any issues and suggestions for ways to fix them or an all clear
5) once the design satisfies all design rules, user can «order this part»
6) properly annotated part is uploaded to manufacturing partner
7) payment and shipping information is automatically and securely retained
8) teams and projects in Fusion 360 can have 1 or more authorized users with sign-off authority who act as gatekeepers to enusue that nothing is erroniously ordered