Especially when editing imported geometry, it would be quite beneficial to be able to select one fillet, then expand the fillet to the entire loop or section.
There are a couple ways to do that which would be pretty helpful. Not everything is a loop right? This should just be tool. Let me hit a button that tests out a loop. Didn't work? Ok, I'll try some other options.
One helpful way would be to help walk through a selection one at a time. Expand to the next joining fillet. Still good? Expand to the next. Shoot, one side started off on a branch that was wrong. Remove that branch and lets move on. Continue like that until you've got the selection you need.
Why? Fillets tend to be small. Small things Suck to select in Fusion. Especially since the default selection isn't context sensitive. I really wish it was. I haven' figured out why I would want to select a face, then an edge without context. If I start with a face, I'm Probably selecting all faces.
So basically, just give me an easier way to select an entire fillet.
Another great way would be to put checkboxes on the entire attempt. You could just find the incorrect branch(es) and deselect them, or include them. A fillet isn't Always tangent to the next piece, so it's nice to be able to add them manually as well.