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Select all models in space as model for CAM Setup

Select all models in space as model for CAM Setup

Why it doesn't the system select all the models that are in the workspace/part on the moment you create the setup in the model selection? That's how Inventor HSM and HSMWorks do it and it's much more intuetive.

People are programming the part and don't expect that they need to tell the system they are programming the model, since 9 out fo 10 times there is only 1 model.


Except I think if there are more than 10 selectable bodies it (HSMWorks) doesn't auto select either.


But you're right.  I see LOTS of people get tripped up by this.  I also think that you should be forced to have at least one model selection before it will let you close the setup dialog.  This would keep people from forgetting to select a model.



This has been implemented already maybe close the idea?

Unfortunately this idea did not get the support of the community and as such we will not be pursuing it. Please feel free to rework and resubmit this one down the road. Thanks for taking the time to submit your idea.
Status changed to: RUG-jp審査通過

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