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Sandbox mode for Sketch, Turn off automatically adding constaints.

Sandbox mode for Sketch, Turn off automatically adding constaints.

I really like the concept of design intent, however for me before I get there I need to experiment and play around with ideas, graphically.  I would like a mode in sketch that turns off all the constraints and rules.  I would like to freely move things around, change and edit unfettered. Also add more editing/trimming tools.


I could not afford the full Autocad packages so I use Autosketch which you sunset a number of years ago.  But it is a  great low cost 2D CAD tool and it is still available but not updated for a long time.  I still use it because it is the fastest 2D cad tool I have ever found.  I would like to see many of these tools added to the sketch environment.  Once the design concept is complete, turn off the sandbox mode, and add all the constraints etc for a solid design.   Right now I am deleting constraints which were automatically added which prevents me from doing what I want.  So right now I do this conceptualizing in Autosketch.


Basically in sandbox mode is used as a rapid design prototyping environment before any intent is solidified.   What I am asking for is simply turning off all the automatic constraints.



Constraints during design phase are a MAJOR hindrance to efficient mechanical design (and I assume any other design). I have to go through every sketch and painstakingly delete most of the automatically created constraints just to get anything done. I would delete them all or prevent them in the first place if it were possible. Automatic constraints are not a useful feature. Allowing users to put constraints in when and where they want them could be useful once the design is fairly well established. Certainly NEVER before. Trying to have software guess when and where constraints should be created is similar to the auto-in-correct feature on most phones. The software is almost always wrong in it's guesses. Automatic constraints are a royal pain precisely because they are not properly applied, applied at the wrong time, and act to hinder getting things done by significantly slowing the design process. It is beneath such a fine product that Fusion 360 is evolving to be to continue burdening the users with the repetitive task of having to delete constraints for every sketch. Please provide a means to turn the darn things off.


Again, I'm onboard with ralarock...

I can see constraints being a useful tool, but I'd like the ability to draw without them, and turn them on only when needed.

Couldn't agree more with this. These constraints are going to cost me a fortune in monitors after I put my fist through them every time this stupid feature makes me fight it for waaay too long every time I try to do something. Help me out, don't ****ing help me out.

Not applicable

Yep! BUMP! Couldn´t  agree more with this idea.


And the problem is compounded further by just how slow Fusion becomes after some ammount of constraints have been auto-added AND mostly by how painstakingly slow and fiddly it is to go to Selection Filters menu, uncheck "All", check "Constraints" and "Dimensions", draw selection over the entire sketch, and then reverse the filter so you can continue working...

Working with sketches, I found this to be the number 1 time-drain, by very VERY far more significant than all the other time-drains combined. THAT is how bad it is. 

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