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Roughing endmill and Fly cutter in tool library!

Roughing endmill and Fly cutter in tool library!

I am wanting to get Fly cutter and Roughing endmill added to the tooling form list. Hopefully not too difficult to do. Roughing endmills have a chamfer instead of a radius, would be nice to be able to set that. If this is already possible post a link to instructions. Thanks 🙂

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There is a face mill allready in the system, as for the "roughing tool" in your case just create a chamfer mill insted of a Bull-nose mill





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 Chamfer mill doesnt work well for simulating side flute cuts.  face mill works ok for fly cutter.  Roughing endmills are used pretty often, seems kinda important.


Most "roughing" endmills are referred to as bullnose or hogging endmills and have a radius on the bottom. Even knuckle roughers have radius on the bottom. But Yes i know there are ones with the chamfer as well.


I don't think a roughing end mill is necessary but there should be a chamfer end mill that operates the same as the flat and bullnose mill snd focuses more on end mills as opposed to cutters specifically for cutting chamfers. 

Actually I'd almost be tempted to make a chamfer an option for flat mills. Just have a flat mill with a .5mm chamfer.
In the create mill section have a little check box you can select for a chamfer and then enter the value.


I do think flycutter is redundant as it is basically a face mill.

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You got it! It could be a option for flat or an option for bull nose when selecting the radius. Thanks! 🙂

I'm surprised chamfer mill doesn't work.  It has a setting for side flute length.  You could also make a form tool.




It seems like Chamfer mill has limitations that restrict it's use for horizontal and vertical milling operations.
It's also confusing because it seems much more targeted at tools made for milling chamfers as opposed to tools that have a small chamfer.



Well, chamfer mill is intended for milling chamfers.


I guess it would probably be best to have a chamfer option for bullnose.




I would think if it got grouped with anything it would make more sense to put it with the flat mill since chamfered end mills are generally a flat mill with a small corner chamfer. Then again I'm not sure if that's ideal either.
I just don't see myself looking for chamfer end mills listed under bullnose. I would just assume they weren't available or should be listed under Chamfer mill.

It might be best to give a corner chamfer end mill it's own category.
I might be tempted to change bullnost to corner radius end mill, then have corner chamfer end mill and then have chamfer mill.


I really do like Corner radius better anyway. I believe it's more the proper technical term wheras I think of bullnose as being more of a slang term.
I think Bullnose really technically applies more to live centers and such.

On the topic I would also vote for square end mill as in my expeience that is much more common and accurate than flat.


Well, the all mighty Machinery's Handbook just calls them "plain" and "ball" end, and mine doesn't even mention relieved corners.  Yeah it's 15 years old, but I'm pretty sure radiused end mills existed back then.


So maybe, square end, ball end, and relieved corner mills?  Relieved corners could then have an option for chamfer or radius.



Status changed to: Future Consideration

This does seem like areasonable request to add support for a Bullnose tool to a have a "chamfer" option instead of a Rad.

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