I did a search and didn't see this suggested, but I did hear on the BOM podcast that AutoDesk might be adding this. Just in case, I want to suggest adding the ability to rollback an update after you install it. Ideally, users would have the option of which version they would like to rollback to, but at a more basic level, saving the current version before the update then allowing users to rollback to the previous version they had installed would be a huge benefit to all Fusion subscribers.
As background, I needed to change the thickness of a lip on a bushing. I made the change to the model, then regenerated the CAM operations and the chamfer on the back side of the part stopped working. It's an insanely simple part so it wasn't super hard to catch and manually programming it (it's a lathe part) wasn't the worst thing in the world. That said, if I had a more complex part/program or it was a non-square mill part, it would have been a disaster for my workflow. Maybe only smaller businesses are using Fusion, but I still feel it's unacceptable to have a function model and CAM code then have a mandatory update put on the software that breaks an operation I have used for years. I also tried regenerating the code with no changes to the model and the proper operation went away, so if you changed a working operation earlier in the program and were forced to regenerate this toolpath, you would have lost the useable operation.
Here's the timeline of the problem in my troubleshooting thread: https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/fusion-360-computer-aided/turning-chamfer-stopped-working/td-p/845499...
It was Dec. 8, 2018 when I first posted about the problem and the update was rolled out Friday (Jan. 25, 2019). While it was a hassle for me and my very small shop doing consistent parts production, I didn't suffer hugely on lost revenue. I can't imagine how badly something like this would have affected a large job shop with frequent code changes/generation. I certainly wouldn't want to be down, even partially, for something like this.