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Revamp Parameters

Revamp Parameters

I find myself using the parameters menu more and more and I would like to suggest some added features to make using parameters in designs easier:


  • Add custom units

One of my designs for planetary gears uses a value called diametrical pitch which is the number of teeth per unit length of the circumference (mm in this case) so my units are (1/mm) which is not an option. My current workflow around this is to create extra unit-less parameters to calculate these values. Custom units would be useful to calculate values for other parameters that would then be used in the design process.


  • Allow parameters to sync across all or just specific designs for a project

Frequently I need to use the same parameters in multiple parts of a project and it would be nice not to have to manually recreate the parameters for each new design I create. The best implementation of this would allow users to link parameters to other designs and allow users to break individual links on specific parameters; essentially allowing you to copy over a full set of parameters that remain linked to the original design but break links on any parameters you want to be independent for the current design.


  • Export and import parameters

 Parameter export and import would be useful to share parameters for a design independently of the design itself or for use in other programs. Export and import could potentially be done with a .csv file similarly to how a BOM is exported.

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