Just as CAM drives CNC gear to fabricate products and parts, a new module for down the road might be.... A module that lets you program a micro processor such as Intel Edison, or Arduino embedded and see it controled at the animation level.
As we bring new electrical modules into the Fusion360, such as 123D Circuits https://123d.circuits.io/ , we might consider adding a solution that allows the user to write embedded code to micro processors, using a simplified interface.
Under this tools set we might have the following options.
- Add a MicroProcessor: Intel, Arduino
- Add an Axis: Servo Motor and Drive
- Add a Sensor: Proximity Sensor or Distance
- Add an Encoder: Axial & Linear
- Add a Pneumatic Valve: 2-way,3-way-4-way
- Add a Power Meter: Measures Voltage & Current
- Add a LED light:
- Add a Relay:
- Add a Horn or Siron:
- Add Communications Module: Blue Tooth, Wireless Zigbee, 802.11N
- Add a button
- Add a display
- Add a VFD (Varibale Freequency Drive) or reostat
Just as the CAM side of 360 is posting code formatted for a CNC mills and lates, Add An Axis, pushes code onto the microprocessor. Spark fun out of Boulder has many of these low powered system cotrols here. www.sparkfun.com
We might advise the user how many I/O are avaiable for a particular micro processor. We would also help by advising how the breakout boards are used to bring all the motion controls together. Give them a link to the users manual at the same time that helps with the Pinouts , Nodes, NET Lists, etc. Start helping to shape advise on how to program, events.
- Add a global variable
- Add an interupt
- Add a timer
- Add a loop
Would be a tool that could extend into robotics as these solutions get shaped and defined. I am sure the HMS gang would have some great thoughts on this idea.
OK, thats my good idea of the day