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Python Environement Improvements

Python Environement Improvements

From my experience using the Fusion 360 Python API :

  • The API documentation layout could be more developer friendly versus a marketing UX design.
  • The command line interface is too minimalist in comparison to what offer IPython.
  • Script/Addin debugging is too painful : I could not achieve to get debugging working on VS Code, Fusion error reporting is voodoo, we don't have access to the stdout/stderr outputs. Up to know my workaround is to log to a file (using logging module or a basic file write). However, we cannot wipe a logging file streamer since Fusion keeps it opened.  UI message is not suited to report long traceback.
  • There is no way to autoreload an addin when code changed, many web frameworks do that pretty well.
  • SWIG is a working solution but not the best way to wrap C++ code.  The Python API should be more Pythonic, an attribute like "count" should not be exported.

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