As an inventor, I need often to meet people to ask some parts of engineering my projects, but not the whole project at all, nor even some complete design.
So I need to be able to create special "guest-projects" from existing ones I manage on my own office, to let people with some NDA signed to be able to download files, see them, but not the other parts of a complete design.
So the easiest way to do this without too much anxiety is just to create new projects, separated from the complete one, then to copy to these guest-projects the designs, parts, and also others resources needed without sharing *all* the original project.
BUT it is just impossible to do this : a F360 design cannot be copied nor moved from one project to an other one !
Maybe I have not understood all the subtleties, but I guess I'm not the only one to be a bit confused and astonished in front of this kind of behavior of the Project panel.
Well, will this panel go to a kind of "explorer-like" behavior, or do we have to think different from this yet excellent Fusion360 software and commercial strategy ?
Thanks for your time reading my frustration and understanding my astonishment,