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Power Spectral Density (PSD) FEA Statistical Frequency Analysis

Power Spectral Density (PSD) FEA Statistical Frequency Analysis

Random Vibration/ Swept sine verification and failure tests are required for every product we design and make. Modal analysis goes some way to aid the vibration design workflow but with the ability to add PSD loads or a modal frequency sweep it would let us do virtual shaker-table simulations, which would be a great addition to the modal analysis.


A PSD approach lets you excite the structure using a broad-spectrum acceleration load and then nicely sums up the solutions into one single-valued result.


The event simulation already lets you add time varying loads it would be great to have a similar input but for acceleration squared against frequency in a modal type statistical analysis. 


Solid works has a similar PSD input feature already


1 Comment

I see that this feature has already been implemented in Autodesk Simulation Mechanical - Random Vibration simulation guide. So hopefully it could be implemented in Fusion 360 relatively easily?!

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