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Permit use of user parameters in 'Manufacture' settings

Permit use of user parameters in 'Manufacture' settings

I used the "3D - Parallel" operation for one of my projects which consists of several ramped parts made from a single piece of stock.  The angle to be used is calculated in my User Parameters sections using the atan function and the aspect ratio for the part (length and width parameters).


In the 'Passes" dialog, the "Pass DIrection" should be set to the angle of the parts.  I thought I was being clever by creating the angle in a user parameter since this is what is needed in "Pass Direction", but the entry box only allows me to enter a constant value.   If I change my dimensions by modifying the parameters, the design will update as desired, but I have to remember to modify this CAM parameter also.  It would be so nice if user parameters can be specified!


Though my immediate wish list item is to enable this for "Pass Direction", there are probably other manufacturing parameters that could benefit from this capability.


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