Using Fusion 360 with User Parameters has many advantages, but managing parameters once created can be somewhat daunting. Here are some features that might help if implemented.
Allow the Dimension tool in a sketch to specify the parameter or value for multiple selected objects at the same time.
Allow similar dimensions to be grouped, so there is just one model parameter for several objects in a sketch.
Allow a selection of multiple sets of connected lines
When two sets of connected lines are selected in a sketch, one inside or just near the other, allow the distance between the shapes to be specified once. Consider an eight sided shape inside a similar 8 sided shape the distance between the two shapes is 1 mm all the way around. Currently you have to specify this distance 8 times. Makes for a messy sketch. If any of the lines is non-paralell in the second set of lines, make that line paralell to the corresponding line in the other set of lines.
Filter any display of a list of parameters by exact name, wildcard name or value
Update the values of Filtered or Selected parameters with a single entry.. (After you change any of the filtered or selected parameters you are given the option to apply the same value to all the others)
When copying a component, have two options for parameters
Global, Project Level, Folder Level and Model level User Parameters. Any sketch within the Project has access to the same set of parameters. Any display of parameters would show the path in an additional column:
Global -> My Project -> My Top Folder -> My Lower Folder -> My Model
Allow a parameter to be moved between levels by right clicking and selecting “promote or demote” in this case a click on My Top Folder would move the parameter to that level and remove it from the My Lower Folder level.