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Output G Code for each Setup

Output G Code for each Setup

With Mulit-Setup CAM operations, such as machining the opposite sides of an object...


When I attempt to highlight one setup, I get inconsistent output results.  Some times I get G Code from both setups, other times I get Code from only the highlighted one.  After quite a bit of playing with it, I can't find a way to produce consistent results.  In fact, some times without changing the setup highlighting, I get different results when producing the code for a second time!  


It would be nice to have some way of specifying that you want only the code associated with individual setups.


I think the problem you're seeing is the difference between the active setup and the selected setup don't know why Autodesk use such a limited amount of colours.


When a setup is the active setup it is light blue and only the name is highlighted, when a setup is selected for posting it will be dark blue and the whole setup name and folder is highlighted.

Here you can see the active setup and 3 setups selected for posting. Selected like this I have no problems, maybe you're seeing something different, but the light blue highlight has caught me out quite a few times.



Not applicable

So, there's ambiguity as to what code gets produced -- the active setup or the selected setup...  Hmmmm.....

I get the colors even though this is made to be further complicated by the radio button.


I got into this mess because it seemed logical to have more than one setup if the WCS origin changed. (like two sides of a part being flipped).  There's probably other reasons I don't know about...  


There's also a crazy warning that appears if you have 2 different WCS's... Something to the effect that the Post has to support multiple WCS's.  (maybe my bad for not fully understanding all this)


Anyhow - thanks for the information on the highlight colors.  Guess I'll need to pay more attention to this sort of thing.


The active setup with the radio button enabled is the setup new ops will be added to, it has no bearing on what's posted. If you have 5 setups, one active but none selected, trying to post will post all setups.


Like you I make setups for different orientations and different parts in an assembly. Keeping it simple, if you have a 2 sided part with a setup for each side and you post both at the same time the post if configured properly can output code to rotate a 4th axis and with tool orientation even output 5 axis code. The generic posts just throw an error as this needs to be setup carefully for each machine. Better to throw an error by default than smash up a £100,000.00 machine.


If you don't have 4 or 5 axis best to just leave the post how it is but I guess you could set one up to output a new file rather than the code to reorientate the machine.



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