Sir / Ma'am,
I am new to Fusion 360 and undertaking CNC training at an institution that likes to run "Feed Rate in Units per revolution, G95" instead of "Feed Rate in Units per minute, G94" when students are machining.
I believe Feed Rate in Units per revolution, G95 is desirable as it "relates feed more closely to chip load, as well as having the ability to maintain the desired chip if the spindle speed is varied during the program, or by the operator using the spindle override control".
I have noticed that Fusion 360 already calculates 'Feed per Revolution' in the 'Feed & Speed tab' when setting up a new tool in the Library as well as reflecting it in the 'Tools tab' of a generated tool-path in a 'Setup'.
SUGGESTION: Is it possible to make an option within Fusion 360 to select and set G95 (Feed Rate in Units per revolution) as the preferred feed rate method (maybe in the 'Program Settings' area in the 'Post Process screen')?
Thank you for your consideration.
Peter Tooley