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Option to lock patterned components from being moved

Option to lock patterned components from being moved

Right now in Fusion, patterned components can be moved by a simple click and drag action.  Allowing the pattern feature to be used as (essentially) a duplication method is a cool idea, but it violates the concept of what a pattern is in the first place, which is a regularly ordered group of entities.  Therefore I think there should be a toggle box in the pattern creation dialog that locks the patterned components from being moved.  This would allow for the most design flexibility while maintaining the basic concept of a pattern.





I agree, I prefer the workflow that the pattern is driven from the parameters and should be locked by default unless you select otherwise. 


Usually if I take the time to pattern objects I want them to stay in the defined pattern. 


Yes, this is an annoying problem, it forces you to add joints to all the patterned components individually.

That's kind of counter productive when you have a large number of them. Even with 10 it takes forever.

Especially because the Joints panel disappear after each Joint you add, it would be a lot better if this panel would stay open or if you could add the joint to multiple components in the same time.

Not applicable

How is this not implemented yet? This is a huge pain with lots of patterned components.




Locked should be the default. Members of the pattern could be jailbroken individually or en masse after locked pattern generation.


If I create a pattern then that is the pattern I want. If it's not then I edit the parameters of the pattern. Why would you have additional steps after making a pattern to lock it down? When making the pattern in the first place is a way of saving time.


I feel the point is that the pattern should be locked into the parametric configuration and not be an unconstrained sketch afterwords. A lot of potential changes can happen when you do not want them to if the sketch is not constrained fully. 

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