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Operation performed on multiple components with only one component active.

Operation performed on multiple components with only one component active.

Possible Error?

A similiar issue has happened to me a few times recently (Since the last update).  In this scenario, I have two components, a blue cube and a green sphere.  They are two distinct components.  I then make the cube active, so that a new sketch will be a child of the cube component.  I draw a circle on the far face of the cube and then, still with only the Cube active, I extrude cut a cylinder through the cube.  The result is a cylinder that is cut through both the cube and the sphere, even though the Cube is still the active component.  I would expect with the Cube as the active component that the sphere would not be affected.  You can see this in figure 2 and 3 below.  I would only expect the result seen in figure 2 and 3 if I had made the extrude cut while the main parent component (Labeled unsaved below) was active at the time of the operation.  My work around is that I can follow the exact same procedure, but this time, if I make the sphere not visible, then make the extrude cut, the sphere will not be altered.


Figure 1 - Initial geometry



Figure 2 - Result of extrude cut with Cube as the active component



Figure 3 - Cylindrical cut is persistent through both components


Is this an error or as intended?


See this thread.


Basically it's not what components active it's what's visible, so when you make the extrude cut you'd need to hide the sphere.





Thanks for the comment, it is truly appreciated and it may in fact be as mechanized.  However, I feel this is against the paradigm shift Fusion was trying to achieve.  Fusion 360 is really an object oriented modeling program with parents, children and inheritance.  Any operation that is performed should only be applied to the active component and its children, not to a components' siblings or parent.  If you want an operation to effect multiple components, like cutting a hole through the cube and the sphere, then the operation should be performed at the parent level, so that it is inherited by the children component.  A brother should not inherit the new hair style of his sister, just because they are next to each other.




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