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OpenSCAD compatible scripting mode?

OpenSCAD compatible scripting mode?

I would really like to take advantage of the vast library of models made for OpenSCAD in fusion 360.  In particular, a lot of people have made some really good parametric double helix involute gears for OpenSCAD and I would love to pull them into Fusion360 in a format other than STL (which slows Fusion 360 down to a crawl vs having a proper solid model).



Not applicable

The following idea, under the status "future consideration" is similar:


But is focused on import and export (which could very well happen in the cloud and not locally) whereas scripting support would have to be supported locally in Fusion 360.   I can convert the scripts manually from OpenSCAD to a Fusion 360 python script, but it takes a full day just for scripts (with dependencies) as simple as the one appearing in the screenshot above.

This item has been archived due to a lack of votes. If you feel this item is important feel free to create a new idea station item.
Status changed to: RUG-jp審査通過

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