Obviously the new tool library is a work in progress, but it's pretty half baked. It solves no problems, just moves them to a new area.
- What is the point in adding ramp feedrates if one can't choose the angle? Or one can't specify if it's a normal ramp or a helical one? Or the fact that no hole/entry point will be the same, so one ramp diameter will not fit all. This makes it kind of pointless to even include a feed for ramping in the first place.
- How about just one feed/speed per material and then let fusion figure out? Otherwise these are my templates for only 3 materials (Haven't even begun slotting or floor finish):
Templates should only be for different materials.
1 tool. Feeds and speeds for full slot, wall finish, floor finish, 1 HSM stepover value. That's a minimum of 4 different templates just for one material. What a cluster. There should be one field for finish chip load, one for HSM rough chip load, one for full slotting chip load. Bam. Fixed.
- 2 different machines with different max spindle speeds? Time to either double this list, double one's entire tool library, or re edit every spindle speed/feed/lead in/out feed until the end of time for half of every single operation.
- Adding the ability to create folders within libraries is pretty basic but would go a long way.