I'm trying to use fusion 360 CAM to generate G-code for the machine in the lab to draw graphics on 3D surface in the Lab.
But I find that the route that fusion generated is not intelligent enough, they are totally a mass especially when draw the Alphabet and Numbers. There are also a mistake (Look at the left lower corner of the second picture, upper the rectangle and compare to the first one, you can get it).
And I read through the APIs quickly, did't find any API for me to get/set the curve selection in the CAM operation settings.
I hope you can open the APIs for me to get the curve selection and rearrange the sequence of objects and directions so as to minimum the whole route length. Or ideally you can improved it by yourself for me and for all users.
It is similar to travelling-salesman-problem, maybe we can use floyd-warshall algorithm or Ant colony optimization
Shortest route might not be the best solution some times if there are too much corners of the route, but at the most of the time ,it's the best.
Read following link, maybe you will know more about what I mean.
Thanks very much!