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Need a timeout for tasks that are taking too long

Need a timeout for tasks that are taking too long

Fusion 360 often stops responding when something it doesn't like a user parameter or a parameter in a command dialog. For example, if I have fat fingers and accidentally tell it to pattern something 1000 times instead of 10, it may just show a beachball for eternity - forcing me to Force Quit the entire application (probably losing work in other tabs). It would be extremely useful if Fusion 360 could monitor itself and do something like what Google Chrome does when it gives a user the opportunity to kill an unresponsive script/task or keep waiting. This becomes a particularly common problem in Fusion 360 when User Parameters are involved since one change to a user parameter can trigger a lot of calculations. The beachball shows up often in these cases, which is a shame since that's usually where interesting things can happen in Fusion 360... with parameters and complex models.



Better still - user presses «esc» and the task immediately quits and things roll back to before the user initiated it.


Great idea! I would love to have this on my Mac!

Unfortunately this idea did not get the support of the community and as such we will not be pursuing it. Please feel free to rework and resubmit this one down the road. Thanks for taking the time to submit your idea. Due to the low strategic fit, we have decided that we will not be pursuing this one at the given moment.
Status changed to: RUG-jp審査通過

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