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Moving the CFD button to the Model Page

Moving the CFD button to the Model Page

Hi Guys,


i think it would be a way better Workflow just to add the CFD Button in Fusion to the Modelpage.

Workflow right now is:

Load your model --> go to the simulation page --> click on simplify model --> transfer model to cfd


I personally don't care if it is in the submenu then with generative, create or the extra modules. But anything would be easier than the workflow right now...


Best regards,


1 Comment
Status changed to: Gathering Support



Thanks for your feedback. We paid very close attention to this during development. The main factor driving to this decision was that some of the key simplification tools that CFD users will want are ONLY available in the Simplify workspace in Simulation. We thought having the launch button in both locations, but not the key tools would be confusing to users. I will discuss with the CFD team to see if they want to consider making this change in Fusion. 



Mike Smell

Product Manager, Fusion 360. 

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