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mirroring and patterning of components ?

mirroring and patterning of components ?

This seems like a huge / weird oversight but we can pattern faces, bodies, and features, but not components.


I'm guessing / hoping that with the next update when we can do linked designs that'll come in for free, but that not being there encourages the user to do stupid things (like make a single component that's actually multiple components).


Capture d’écran 2015-03-07 à 21.16.50.png


You can pattern components by selecting from the tree (instead of clicking on the body itself), but mirror doesn't work at all.




If you think abot the difference between  body and a component then it makes a lot of sense that you cannot mirror a component.

The component in Fusion 360 serves also as a (sub) assembly of other components. It would not make a lot of sense sense to mirror that.


You can mirror a body within a component and then turn the two sepearate bodies into components.

Not applicable

@trippylighting, it does make sense to do that. Take this headphone, for example. in SolidEdge, when designing headphones, I mirror the subassembly of one side. Works awesome. Cant do that in Fusion.



Vibro Bespoke v12.png


Indeed, I pattern assemblies all the time in Solidworks.  It is a bit more complicated than patterns though because you have to decide whether you want just a positional mirror, or you want to create opposite handed parts.  It will create opposite handed parts (components with their own separate files) for you with the mirror command, but I prefer to make handed parts in the same file and use configurations to set right or left hand.  It reduces the number of files you have and makes it a bit easier if you ever need to switch the handedness of a part.




This is just a DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) thing.


If we have to re-model the same things several times, it's like copy-paste coding and is pretty much guaranteed to leave us with de-synced and partially broken designs.

Not applicable

I strongly agree that it does make sense to be able to mirror components, the Solid Edge headphone example in a previous comment is an excellent example.  This functionality needs to be in the product plan if it isn't already.

Community Manager
Status changed to: オートデスク審査落選

You can mirror components today, but the resulting body gets added into the same component. We are working on a proper mirror component workflow for the September update where mirroring a component will result in a seperate component. 

Not applicable

What ever became of this? The November update was just released and still can't mirror a component.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Implemented

This is now part of our May 7 update!

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