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Measurement tool improvements

Measurement tool improvements

I've been using F360 for a few weeks now and I'm liking a lot of its functionality. No CAD package is perfect, but since you guys seem so receptive to feedback I figured I would share mine.


My current biggest problem is how weak the measurement tool is. Here are a couple of examples of things I would like to be able to do with the measurement tool, that I can do with various other CAD packages.


1) I would like to be able to see MIN an MAX distance for any measurement I make. Currently this seems to work when measuring between the faces of two holes, but not between other things like the face of a hole to an edge.


2) Maybe I just haven't figured out how to do this in F360 yet, but I would also like to be able to select blind faces to measure instead of having to rotate the component to see the face. In CREO this is done by cycling through selections by right-clicking.


3) It would be nice to be able to take a measurement with releation to a projection (plane or edge) to get a relative distance without doing a lot of XYZ math.



Not applicable



Good points on 1 and 3  As for 2, you can click-and-hold to select through the model.

Not applicable

Ndenkamp, thanks for the tip!


I was having a lot of those same problems on a Windows machine.  Seems like the iMAC - Apple machine has resolved many of the measurement problems,,,

Not applicable

Also the ability to do a point to point measurement would be helpful. Basically more functionalityf


Theres a little selection box for "x/y/z delta" which I think is kindof what you are looking for (not to a selectable projected plane but to absolute x/y/z), but it would also be great to visually see the vectors too.

Not applicable X/Y/Z delta measurement does not do what I'm looking for specifically. It only works if the feature you are measuring happens to be square to the default coordinate system. To measure the projection distance between two features in relation to a plane that is skewed from the default csys, then you will need to either do a lot of math or have a specific tool to do so. 


Community Manager
Status changed to: Implemented

Check out the measurement improvements we've added in our December 2015 update:


Not applicable

Up vote this. We need Delta X, Delta Y, Delta Z on every measure. 
Real pain now.

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