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Make sure pip works before rolling out a new release

Make sure pip works before rolling out a new release

I rely on importing Python modules and it's a pain every time Windows restarts or Fusion restarts and I can't run my scripts.  Up until before the default IDE was switched from Spyder to VSCode, I've been able to find workarounds, but in the most recent release, pip can't even find its own 'main' function!  I'm stuck and I can't do any work at the moment because I can't import any modules.

1 Comment

Edit: Would also like to request documentation on how to find pip and install things through it.


Sometimes I have to go through Python:


import pip
pip.main(['install', 'numpy'])



Most recently, I found a pip3.exe file buried in one of Fusion's AppData folders, ran it in Windows PowerShell:


./pip3 install numpy


Would greatly appreciate it if you could include where to find pip and how to use it each time there is a change.  It would also help everyone who less technically inclined or less Windows-inclined as well so they know there is pip available.



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