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make break link splines/lines editable

make break link splines/lines editable

you can break a link and make a line/curve local in a sketch but you cannot edit it

which makes the break link command hardly useful for any serious design work.


I really need to have the ability to access the edit points other wise I could just copy and paste

lines cuvres between sketches and forget the project tool.


Obviously I am talking about flat sketches not projected onto a 3d surface because here you would

need a fit curve command to match the fit points cvs onto the surface.


not sure how this is different to the way how Fusion calculates the curve projection at the moment.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Gathering Support

pretty important otherwise this break line is uselss when you cannot work with it.


specifically a plana projected curve should not be an issue to expose the fit points again after breaking it loose.

This item has been archived due to a lack of votes. If you feel this item is important feel free to create a new idea station item.
Status changed to: RUG-jp審査通過

Hello All,


I know it took a bit time to implement it but, now in the latest production build, break link on projected spline will now create a control point spline.


Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns


Thank you,

Best Regards

Rohit Bapat




when will this be released? will this also include CV curves?



Hello @cekuhnen 


It is released as part of the latest release. In the current release, if you break the link on a projected spline it should create the control frame. Please let me know if I am missing something.


Spline Break Link.gif


Just a side note, this feature won't add control frames on previously broken-link splines. We are actively working on an enhancement which will allow users to add control frames to any cv spline which doesn't have one. This feature will allow you to add control frames on the previously broken link splines




I tried this today but when breaking the link I never get cv or fit points !

This is strange because I just created the gif.. Can you please share the model? you can also share on in case


I can take a quick look today if possible and will take it to dev team if needed.






RMB break menu works as you do it


LMB select the project icon and press del to break it does not create the control cage !


must be a bug or missing implementation


Oh.. now I get it.

It's not a missing feature but part of our incremental improvement plan. Creating control frame after deleting the glyph should be available in upcoming releases along with this feature enabled in Manage Lost Projection -> Break link command.


Thank you for trying out. Please let us know if you find any other issues or concerns.


Thank you





Then to be quite honest I would not release it till the access to this outcome is consistent.


Enabling this only via the RMB menu only is inconsistent UI design and will "confuse" users.


I needed to watch you Gif to see how to make it work.

Other users like me who do not use the RMB menu would have fully missed this ability!



But great to see this finally coming to Fusion.


While one note: if I project a fit point curve - breaking the link should recreate the same fit point curve and not turn it into a heavily tessellated CV curve.


The CV tessellation only makes sense when projecting onto a bend or non parallel surface!


I agree that RMB vs LMB is a bit confusing behavior. But, we are on top of it and will be mindful of this in future.


We are continuously working towards making Fusion more and more usable.


Regarding Fit point to CV spline conversion during projection, it originates at geometry kernel level. This has been a topic of discussion but, let me get back on this with some more details.


Thank you,





Regarding the Kernel (if I am right here) this might be one another example where maybe the used Kernel for Fusion has to be expanded.


Fusion shares some of the same limitations Inventor has (modeling abilities limited by the Kernel).


Improving this would propel Fusion modeling ability radically forward even more.

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