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Improve the selection of obscured sketch geometries

Improve the selection of obscured sketch geometries

Currently, if you have a sketch geometry, such as a projected curve, that is obscured under another geometry, it is very difficult to select the correct one without a lot of trial and error. Holding down the left button of the mouse brings up several geometries in a context menu, but you can't readily identify the one you want.


It would be nice if the geometries in the menu had an ID, sketch and its type in parenthesis:


Point (d2, current)

Line (d100, Sketch3, projected)

Circle (d1, Sketch2, projected missing)


Alternatively, you could use purple or yellow text to match the current sketch color conventions to save menu space:


Point (d2, current)

Line (d100, Sketch3)
Circle (d1, Sketch2)




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